|| Shree Ganeshay Namah||

Festival of Holi


Holi is celebrated in India on a full-moon day in the month of Falgun as per the lunar calendar.


The festival is devoted to story of Prahlad and his aunt Holika. Holika was sister of demon king Hiranyakashyapu. Holika had a blessing that she will be protected from Fire and cannot be burnt. To help Hiranyakashapu burn Prahlad, she took Prahlad in her lap thinking that she will be protected due to the blessing. However, since, her intentions were wrong, fire burns her and Prahlad is protected instead.


The festival is celebrated by setting on fire a dried tree or branches of tree set together in an open ground. Its like campfire but much larger in size. People remember the story of Holika and offer to fire wishing that any bad omen (represented by “Dhoonda” demoness) towards their village or community gets destroyed by the fire just like it burnt the Holika. As part of the ritual, devotees will go around in circle and put their offering in the fire. The offerings can be an oil, food, flower, coins etc. The Shankha or Conch is blew.

It is also believed that Shankar burnt Madana (Another demon) on the same day and Shiva’s followers cursed Madana. Representing that, devotees loudly curse anyone that they feel should be punished.

Practical Significance

  • Use this opportunity to cleanse yourself by philosophical actions such as activity of burning, or cursing anyone, but, in the end, remove misgivings from your mind and bring it to a pure state.
  • The festival is during end of winter and marks coming of summer. Its important marker for people to end winter activities and prepare for the summer.

Important Learning

Power when used with ill-intentions will result in self-destruction.

You should burn your ill-wishes, desires for healthy mind and living.